Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What Kinds of Questions Can I Ask???

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

The Universe/God whatever you like to call the Divine Power that has created all that there is, is always delivering to you everything you ask for.  The reason it doesn't always arrive at our doorsteps though, is because we aren't open to receiving everything we ask for.  We block it out with our subconscious programs.  Remember that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind, so it is really important to make sure that your subconscious mind is going in the direction you want it to!!  You might want to travel east, but if your subconscious mind is travelling west you'll always face difficulty getting where you want to go, if indeed you ever even get there!

Often people think that they have the subconscious programs for something when they really don't at all.  I continuously work with people who are shocked at what beliefs are not in their subconscious programs, because consciously they truly believe it with all their heart and soul!!!  Big difference!

So ask questions that will open you up to the gifts you've asked for!  Here are some sample questions:

What would it take for all of my dreams to come true?
What would it take for me to have clarity about my career path?
What would it take for me to have the most joyful day of my life ever, today?
What would it take for all the prosperity and abundance I've ever dreamed of, to come to me now?
How could I be more healthy and energetic than I ever dreamed possible?
How could I grow younger physically/biologically in every cell of my body in every way in every moment of every day?

Just keep asking - the sky is the limit.  Send the questions out as much as possible.  REMEMBER though, don't answer the questions.  Allow the receiving to come in the perfect time and in whatever way it shows up.  Living from the question will help you to open up (at the subconscious level) to receiving!!!  Let go and allow!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Living from the Question

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

This is also known as being open to all possibilities.  How often do we want a change in our lives and assume that we know all the ways that the change can occur?  Every time we come to a conclusion about what has to happen for that change, we limit the Universe from gifting to us in infinite ways.  Be open to all possibilities.  Don't answer the questions you ask.  Just live from the question.  Living from the question allows us to be open to receive much more abundantly!!!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

So You Want to Change Things?

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

The only thing you need to do is FEEL differently about what it is you are looking at.  It's called the "observer effect".  It's a universal law.  When you change how you feel when you are looking at something, what you are looking at changes.  Go inside yourself if you want change.  Drop the finger pointing, the blame and trying to make everyone else change.  It's an inside job!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Divine Timing

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

Many people believe in Divine timing until tragedy hits.  Then they question why, why, and why?  This shouldn't have happened!  Well guess what folks?  We never see the big picture and it is always Divine timing.  We are all where we are supposed to be.
At a higher level we all sign up for things before we come back here to our lovely planet Earth.  It's just that we cannot see it clearly because we have had a veil pulled over our expansive vision.  Good thing eh?  Otherwise we'd go crazy.  But we all make spiritual contracts before we come here.
Now some of you will say "I would never have signed up for this!  It's an accident."  But honestly even accidents have Divine timing.  Just find some solace today in knowing that you truly are where you are supposed to be and that every challenge, problem and tragedy are opportunities for spiritual growth.  It's one of the big reasons why you came here - to experience those problems and move through them and in the process transform yourself.  You are an eternal being!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

Neutrality.  Not what many people think it is.  When I say I endeavour to be neutral and non-reactive in any given situation, what I mean is that I maintain a calm feeling of ease in my body.  It doesn't mean I don't have an opinion about it.  Quite the contrary.  I may even dislike the situation quite a bit.  It's just about forgiveness in the moment.  Staying at peace within one's self regardless of what's going on.  That allows you to keep your power, raise your frequency, and affect everyone around you in a positive way.  Mother Teresa understood this well.  She said don't invite me to an anti-war rally.  I won't come.  Invite me to a peace march.  Keep your light, and let it shine, regardless of what comes your way.  It's how we positively affect the world around us.  It's our calling. :o)  Have a great day!

Monday, May 20, 2013

So what is resistance?

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

Resistance is when you feel anything at all uncomfortable in your body about anything!  Do you have feelings of frustration, anger, uneasiness or uncomfortablenss about something?  Then you have resistance to that which you are observing.  People are always saying "what you resist persists" but it's not just about an external pushing against.  It's really about your energy.

In order to drop all resistance you must go to a place inside of yourself that feels calm and relaxed and at ease when you are observing that which you don't like.  And it certainly doesn't mean you condone or like it either!  It just means you keep your power and stay in alignment with your Divinity.

So next time you see or hear something you don't like, choose to keep your power and stay at ease within yourself.  That, my friends, in non-resistance!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Resistance to Life

Note:  This blog is being relocated to www.koropeski.com

Resistance to anything really locks things in place, whether you want it locked in place or not.  That's just how energy works.  What you FEEL about you bring about.  So if you are feeling grateful about something you are allowing the Universe to continue gifting you with more of the same.  If you are resisting anything, you are still giving out signals to the Universe to give you more of the same.  The easiest way I have found to drop resistance is by first recognizing it, and secondly, by deciding you actually want to drop the resistance.  It's hard to make that decision sometimes when you are upset or angry.  But choosing to drop the resistance is important because it allows you to keep your energy and your power instead of giving it away on a silver platter to whatever or whoever you are resisting.  So the next time you are really resisting something, just ask yourself if you really want to give yourself away.  If not, drop it!!  Good enough reason for me!
Stay tuned for more on this topic!!