Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are you Listing your Gratitude? Or Feeling your Gratitude???

Gratitude.  We hear about it all the time these days.  "What are you grateful for?  Make your gratitude list."

Are you stopping to actually FEEL the gratitude?  It's the feeling that is the real power.  If you are feeling rushed and busy and making your gratitude list while you feel this way it is training the brain to look for uplifting and positive things.  HOWEVER it just isn't nearly as powerful of a force to transform you and your world, as taking the time to really FEEL the gratitude in your body, in your heart and in your soul.  :o)

Take the time, and really feel grateful for something today!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shadow my Dog

Good Morning Shadow.  The birds outside are still singing so beautifully.  They are so alive.  I know you are still alive too.  Only now you are free of the confines of your body.  Free to fly like the birds.  When I feel the wind in my hair I'll think of you.  When the sun warms my face I'll think of you.  You are so alive and still here.  I feel you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to Retrain Your Brain

Did you know that when you are feeling joyful and positive you are smarter?  Your brain always works better when you are feeling uplifted.  So today, look for three NEW things to be grateful for that you haven't previously thought to be grateful for.  Then actually close your eyes, FEEL the gratitude in your body and expand it out as much as you can.  Open your heart and feel the love and gratitude.  Tomorrow, repeat.  Day after tomorrow, repeat.  This trains your mind to look for positive and uplifting things in the world around you!  Smart move!