Sunday, April 29, 2012

There is no need to forgive.

Many teachers and books say that there is no need to forgive.  That is because everything is in Divine order all the time and there is nothing bad and nothing good.  It all just IS.  If you are coming from that viewpoint, then there will be nothing to forgive. 
However, anytime our perceptions deviate from that ultimate reality, there is something to let go of, or something to forgive, if we choose to elevate our consciousness.
Some people see forgiveness as "letting the other person off the hook for doing something wrong".  If you see forgiveness in that sense, then perhaps you could look at the fact that there is nothing to forgive.
However, the way I use the word "forgiveness" is about letting go of a judgement about someone or something else.  So in that sense forgiveness is letting go of my opinion and seeing everything as One and in Divine order.
How do you see things?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is a Blessing?

Has anyone smiled at you today?  Has anyone hugged you today?  Any thought, word, feeling or action directed towards you with an open heart is a blessing.  Have you recognized your blessings today?  Are you grateful for every blessing that comes your way?  These are questions I try to ask myself daily.  I find it so easy to forget to count my blessings.  May I remember to count them today!
Many Blessings to You Today!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Problems are Golden Opportunities

Are you willing to look at that?  Yikes, problems as opportunities?  How could that possibly be? 
In the world of "consciousness raising", problems can take us up a notch to another level of consciousness, depending how we choose to perceive the problem.  As we face the problem, the best answer is always in love, and it will always bring us to a higher level of consciousness, but only if we choose that direction.
When my life is smooth and relatively easy, I seem to just coast along.  When a problem arises, or anything at all comes into my life that doesn't feel good, or challenges me, I now have some choices to make.  I could push against, fight against and struggle with the issue.  Or I could tolerate, forgive, and even possibly accept the issue.  If I choose to struggle and fight against, I won't raise in consciousness, or frequency, and as well the problem will likely persist.  However if I choose the route where I choose love and acceptance, and of course, maintaining my state of power, then I will raise my frequency and after all, it's why I came here.  This position of acceptance gives me the greatest leverage with which to rise above and solve the problem.  By not reacting, I keep my power and my ability to co-create my life much more easily.
So problems aren't welcome by many of us, if anyone at all.  But if you are on the path of spiritual growth, recognize them as significant opportunities for growth. 
Are you reactive or proactive today?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Stepping into Your Personal Power

Stepping into your power is about being okay with what is.  When we are in resistance to what is, we lose our power.  That is another good reason to be forgiving and accepting!  Every time we are pushing against something, we lose our power.  True power is not pushy or forceful.  True power is strong, calm and loving.  Ever notice that when you are totally calm and take a stand on something, it works out well?  And that when you are feeling upset and feel like you are "losing it" things just don't work out as well?  It's like the kids that listen to their mother when she is calm, solid and in a state of inner power.  Compare that to a day when the mother is stressed, yelling and nobody listens!
Being in your power does not mean you agree with what is going on, if you don't like it.  It also does not mean that you condone it.  It just means that regardless of what is going on around you, you are okay within yourself.  You are calm, grounded and feeling okay inside of yourself.  This is staying in your power.  This is why we are advised by many sages not to judge others.  As soon as we judge others, or ourselves, our power level starts to decrease.  Force is not power.  Force comes from fear, and this is the way wars operate.  True power comes from love.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Moving On

Moving on is sometimes the most difficult thing to do.  It seems at first that we can barely tolerate a situation or a change in our life.  Then comes some forgiveness.  Then acceptance and hopefully, eventually, unconditional love.  If I don't follow that path then I'm not doing what I came here to do.  How many times do I want to repeat a course, until I get it right?  Letting go, moving on and accepting are really just "lifting off" of the whole thing, just lightly and easily, like a helicopter goes up.  Only with this surrender can we truly heal, love, and move on.
It seems that every time something happens that is painful or that I resist, any parts of that situation that I don't fully "lift off" of and move on from, will just repeat themselves.  Repeat until I get it.  So, finally, I've decided to do my best and get it right.  Let it all go and move on.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving yourself is, in many cases, the hardest thing to do.  And, it is also the most important thing to do.  When we are hard on ourselves we are our own worst enemy.  Why then, should I forgive myself?  What reason is there to give me motivation to forgive myself, time after time?
The frequency one holds is, again, their vote in the collective consciousness.  Do you have little ones growing up?  Do you love the rain forest?  Are you an animal activist?  Are you a grandparent?  Whatever reason you have for wanting a peaceful and loving planet to live on, is your motivation for forgiving yourself.  Do it for the lovely Earth.  Do it for the grandkids.  Do it for the rain forest and the animals.  Do it for the unemployed and needy.  Do it to help stop wars.  Whatever your passion and love, do it for that.  Because only, only, only, in YOU carrying a high loving frequency, can you really change things for the better.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.  That connects up with "love your neighbour as yourself".  This can also read "love yourself as you love your neighbour".

Monday, April 2, 2012

Put your Hand on your Heart

Want to share your love?  Then really feel it in your body.  Put your hand on your heart.  Uncross your arms and legs.  Breathe in and out through your heart.  After a few good deep focused breaths into and out from your heart, start thinking about or visualizing something you really love.  This could be your children as babies, pets, a Divine mission, etc.  Keep breathing in and out through your heart.  Feel the love and the expansion of gratitude.  Feel as grateful as you can (i.e. the feeling in your body) for absolutely everything and anything you can think of.  As you stay with this feeling you will notice it starts to expand and feel more intense.  This can actually bring you into a state of bliss, or ecstasy.  Feeling this state of gratitude, love and bliss is now what you are sharing with the collective consciousness.  It's your vote for how you want the world to be.  AND, it is one of the very best things you can do to heal your own life and your body.