Friday, November 16, 2012

Why Be in Alignment with Source Energy?

Note:  This blog is being relocated to

Being in alignment with Source energy is something you may have been reading and hearing about for awhile now.  What about "being in alignment" makes it so popular of a topic?  For one thing, it feels good to be in alignment with Source energy.  When you are in alignment with Source energy you feel at ease and at one with life.  Your day has a good flow to it.  You feel joy, satisfaction, love and all the other goodies that go with that.

You will know when you are in alignment, because of all of those feel good feelings that you are experiencing.  There's one good reason to be in alignment with Source energy!

There's more to this though, than meets the eye (or ear).  Being in alignment with Source energy is what allows us to receive the experiences that Source has to deliver to us.  Being in alignment brings us into the state of being where we can accept and receive all the good things that Source is constantly sending our way.  When we are out of alignment with Source energy, we are filtering out all the good things that Source is contantly sending to us.

So first and foremost today, follow your joy.  Find your peace.  Stay in alignment with Source.  It feels great and it brings you want you most desire.  Feeling down only blocks what you have asked for from getting to you as a first hand experience in your life.  Good reason to stay up!  Seek experiences and people that enhance your ability to feel joy!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Journaling to Move Energy

Note:  This blog is being relocated to

Lately I've been at it again.  Journaling every morning for three full pages of whatever comes up in my mind.  It's amazing what can come up!  And it's also amazing the amount of energy it can move when I do it regularly.

Julia Cameron's book "The Artist's Way" talks about journaling every morning, completely unedited and uncensored, for three full pages.  When I'd first read that book I started journaling faithfully every morning.  The shifts were huge.  I went on a Christmas baking spree like never before.  (And that my friends, was in November!)

This morning I woke up really early and just had to do something BIG.  So I went down to the basement and cleaned, cleared and purged for about two hours.  Wow.  That felt great!  This journaling really does work for moving my energy.

If you find that you are journaling with a question and aren't getting an answer, try journaling with your other (non-dominant) hand and see what comes up!  I'd been journaling for months at one point in my life trying to make a big decision and all that came up was analytical type thoughts - and never an answer.  When I switched the pen to my left hand it was mind blowing!  In one page of big childish writing, there was my answer.  And boy oh boy was it accurate.  The reason this answer came so quickly was because it had come from the other side of my brain, which I hadn't previously accessed when journaling with my right hand.  :o)

So try journaling each morning.  Just write whatever the heck comes into your mind.  My friend says when she does this it feels like getting rid of all the rats running around in her brain.  What I do with my journaling afterwards is shred it and throw it out.  No need for me to hang onto all that stuff I just purged from my mind!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Relax and Lighten Up, and Play!

Note:  This blog is being relocated to

Lately I've heard a lot people talking about play.  Putting "play" on their schedules.  And yes it is really important to take time to play.  It's why I'm so happy to have dogs around the house. 
The dogs love to play and are always inviting me to play with them.

Play though, isn't something to be scheduled in for an hour a day, or on any set schedule.  That is more like therapy, isn't it?  Play is something that spontaneously awakens from within you on a moment to moment basis.  It improves your health and well being, raises your vibration and makes life a whole lot more fun.  Isn't that why you came here anyways?  Yes, we actually came here to enjoy the physicality of the earth plane existence, to play joyfully, smell the flowers and to love.  And that my friends, is getting you into the best vibration you can offer to the world.  :o)

So let today be a day that allows playfulness to arise within you spontaneously and surrender to that feeling.  Giggle a bit, laugh a bit, be silly a bit.  It's the best "pill" out there!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Resonance, Entrainment and Healing

So many people ask me how energy healing works.  It can be perceived as a very mystical and unusual method of assisting another person with their healing.  It's not hocus pocus or anything even close.  It's all about frequencies, resonance and entrainment.

When something vibrates at a high frequency and comes into the vicinity of something vibrating at a lower frequency there is a tendency for the two frequencies to align.  Either the low frequency can rise to meet the higher one, the higher one can decrease to meet the lower one, or they can both shift and align somewhere in the middle.

Christian Huygens (a Dutch mathematician, astonomer, physicist and horologist) in the 1600's found this occurred with his clocks that lined up along his wall.  Even though they all were set into motion at different times, the pendulums would eventually all come into the same pattern, so that they would be ticking together.  You see this in nature all the time.  You also feel this when you go out with a sad or angry friend to cheer them up.  Often what happens though is that after visiting the friend, you feel just as bad!  What happened there?  Your frequency lowered and matched theirs.

Resonance is what allows the energy transference to take place between the separate people or things.  Entrainment is what is happening when the frequencies of each align with each other.

So why do Bach Flower remedies work?  Why does energy "healing" work?  Why does Reiki work?  It works simply because it is all about bringing in a higher frequency.  Then you naturally entrain to the higher frequency.  When this happens you feel better and the healing process can occur!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Setting Your Tone for the Day

You rendez vous with anything that is in your vibration so consider setting your vibrational tone for the day! 

Yesterday morning I woke up with this thought in my head and came to the conclusion that it was a good topic to blog about.  Little did I know that it was a crystal clear message to set my tone for the day right now. 

As a sat down yesterday at my computer to write this blog post, I heard a clear message in my head to take a chicken out of the freezer right now.  So I went to the freezer and when I opened it there was water dripping and all the food was defrosting!  And very shortly after that discovery I was informed that my mother had fallen and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  Needless to say I had a few other things to do that took priority over blogging!

Lucky for me that the very first thing I did when I awoke yesterday, was to sit and meditate and set my tone for the day.  If I hadn't have done that I would have been taken adrift by all the events of the day!  So it's really a choice.  Every morning it's a great idea to wake up and consciously choose our mood and feeling and attitude for the day.  Otherwise, life's events will choose for us.

A clear focus of having an inner feeling that I am calm and clear and loving is my best way to start any day!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Babies and Puppies

Babies and Puppies

They see the world with a freshness that is beyond our comprehension.  Everything is new and wonderful and exciting to them.  They don't see any person as bad or good - they just see the person.  They revel in life and have complete wonderment wtih the world around them.  Perhaps that is why we love so much to be around them.  They open our hearts just by being with them.  It feels good and warm and fuzzy.  Today I am choosing to think about babies and puppies and conjure up that warm fuzzy feeling as much as possible.  I'm going to hold that feeling as long as I can as often as I can.  That feeling will bring more good things my way and heal my body too.  What a gift of joy and healing innocence brings!  Thank you babies and puppies.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Looking at Things Freshly

Having no judgement about something is a little bit different than surrendering to it.  When you surrender to something you quick struggling and pushing against it.  You stop resisting.  This doesn't completely mean though that you have no judgement about it.  Judgements are like conclusions.  You've come to a decision and a conclusion about something.  That conclusion you've come to is your way of seeing it, and that locks it into place.  How you see something and how you feel about something when you are looking at it affects it and holds it in place via your perceptions of it.  So instead of just accepting things the way they are try having no conclusion whatsoever about it.  It just is.  This way you free up the locking in by observation of whatever it is you are looking at.  Look at everything fresh, including your own self in the mirror!  That is why when we see something in ourselves or another person that looks "real" to us we judge and conclude that that's just how it is.  We hold it in place.  Let go of all that at the subconscious level and watch your reality tranform faster than you can count to 10!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Reclaiming Your Inner Peace and Strength

Every resentment or grudge you carry is like a ball of ice in your heart.  It prevents you from tapping into your full potential.  It blocks you from reclaiming your inner peace and strength.  It literally freezes you up and prevents you from moving forward in life with joy, ease and grace.  If I start feeling angry or irritated, or resentful I check it out right away.  Do I want to have this false sense of "feeling justified" or do I want to step fully into being my true self?  My true self, and everyone's true self, is really truly strong, loving, peaceful and powerful.  It's just a choice of whether or not to let go of that ball of ice and go there!  Choose for yourself.  :o)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

What is Conscious Living?

Conscious living?  Before I started my "inward" journey, I remember wondering what people meant when they spoke about "conscious living".  Aren't we all conscious?  My thought was that only people in a coma weren't living consciously.  And perhaps a person who was seriously drugged out wasn't totally conscious.  And if it was true that living consciously was an "enlightened" way of being, why was that?  What the heck was I missing? 

It seems to me now that I really can observe myself.  Observe what I am doing, thinking and saying.  I remember doing that as a young kid at times, watching every move I made and everything I said or thought.  It felt like I was in a movie.  And sometimes I would "watch" myself doing things that I didn't want others to see.  Maybe it was because I was being goofy, or acting like the silly "me" that others wouldn't accept.  None the less, at times I watched my thoughts and actions and feelings.  Now I believe that watching ourselves like that is what being awake and conscious really means.  And at first I found it difficult to do that for extended periods of time. 

The Buddhists call the part of us that can pay attention to what we are paying attention to, the "observer self".  Emmerson said "stand guard at the portal of your mind" and I believe this is what he was talking about.  Watch to see what thoughts have more power and potency behind them.  Usually the fearful thoughts, or thoughts about something we are totally passionate about, are the thoughts with more "punch" and power behind them.

Pay attention to your desires and discontent.  You'll learn a lot about yourself.  :o)

Monday, November 5, 2012


What is Sadness?

Sadness is the empty feeling that creeps in and pulls your eyes down.  It is heavy and feels very much alone.  Think about joy and how light and uplifting it feels.  Sadness feels the opposite to me.  It makes me feel alone and like I want to be alone.  How do you feel when you are sad?  It has no energy, no motivation and no direction.  It feels calm sometimes, but really really empty.  I can be very sad and very very calm at the same time.  The sadness is not you.  It is just a wave of energy passing through you.  It is just chemicals in your bloodsteam.  Is your sadness old sadness that has surfaced?  If so it is a good time to let it go and release it from your very being.  How do you do that?  Just watch it, like watching somebody you don’t know, walking on the other side of the street.  Just observe it.  Your very observing it causes it to change and release.  Do though, observe it with no judgement, no classification or criticism.  Just allow it to be, and watch it.  Or is your sadness a new sadness due to the loss of a loved one?  Or the loss of a pet?  Sadness is deep.  Sadness pulls down and digs into the ground below us.  I stopped struggling with my sadness and stopped trying to make it go away.  That never worked very well.  Neither does pushing it aside by doing something else, like reading a novel, talking on the phone, running, sewing, smoking, drinking, shopping or pretty much anything else we do to distract ourselves.  Instead, I nurture myself.  I tell myself that all is well and I am okay, despite the sadness that is passing through me.  When you let it be it will pass through you.  When you struggle with it – it just may bury itself inside of you, only to wake up again at a later time.  Sadness sweet sadness.  I nurture myself now, and wait for you to lift, just like the fog.  I wait for the sunshine to return as I know it always does.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


What is a Blessing?

Every time a child smiles at you, it is a blessing.  Every time a child takes your hand, they are extending to you their blessing.  Blessings are all over the place, and we don’t always see them.  When you are out shopping do you smile at people?  Do you say thank you?  Every time you extend a heartfelt gesture of any kind towards anyone, you are extending your blessing.  Blessings can only come from the heart.  Kind gestures that are void and empty of feeling are not blessings, they are only gestures.  Are you open to receiving all the blessings that come your way?  Or do you close them off from your heart, and refuse to actually feel them?

Source energy, which is really what love is, downloads into us and emanates from our hearts.  When we connect to this Source energy by feeling it (and it can only feel loving) we can then extend our blessings to the world.  Get in touch with your heart.  Put your hand on your heart.  Think of something, anything, that you are grateful for.  It might be simple things like a warm bed to sleep in, or a good meal to eat.  But feel the gratitude for it in your body.  Get into that warm fuzzy feeling.  Only from this feeling can you extend blessings.  From this space, go out into your world and allow this Source energy to shine forth from you to everyone you meet.  It is really easy to do.  We just forget to do it!  A little nod, with the right feeling, really effects the person you direct it to.  It can’t not affect them.

Do you have a pet?  Ever notice how when you feel warm fuzzy feelings they want to be beside you?  Many cats love to be right beside their owners when they are meditating, because the love the peaceful feelings that are beaming out from their owner.   If you are really angry you do not even have to say a word.  Just the feeling will cause your dog to want to sit across the room for you, or even leave the room.  Do you believe in this energy of Source?  It is real, and even more real than anything else in your world.  In fact it is all that there is really.

Do you want to accept blessings?  Do you want to extend them?  Why bother?  Simply put, your feelings, the actual feelings in your body, affect everybody and everything around you.  Do you want to help others?  Feeling love when you are with someone is the greatest blessing you can give them.  It’s really why we came here. 

Many Blessings,

Saturday, November 3, 2012

More Reasons to Forgive Yourself

Forgiving oneself seems to be difficult for most of us.  We are harder on ourselves, deep down inside, than we are on anyone else.  Previously I wrote in my blog about reasons to forgive ourselves that spoke about the frequency that we hold being our vote in the collective consciousness of the planet.  And that is a good enough reason in itself! 
Our health though, is hugely affected by how we feel about ourselves.  When we are loving, kind and forgiving towards ourselves, our health will flourish.  When we feel guilty and are hard on ourselves, it starts to physically affect and break down our bodies.  The body then becomes less able to repair itself and heal itself.  It causes us to age faster and feel tired, depressed and just plain "worn out".
So if you are looking for more reasons to forgive yourself, your own health and well being is a great reason!  Value yourself greatly and see that you are here on the planet for a reason.  You have huge worth, and you came here use your talents, your love and your gifts.  So step up to the plate, and forgive yourself!!!
It will free you to be filled with more energy and vitality to do what you came here to do.  :o)
When I lay my head down on the pillow for the last time and take inventory of my life, I really intend to look back and see that I actually did use my love and energy to do what it is that I came here for.  And only in setting myself free by forgiving myself, can I truly step up to the plate and be the best I can be!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are you Listing your Gratitude? Or Feeling your Gratitude???

Gratitude.  We hear about it all the time these days.  "What are you grateful for?  Make your gratitude list."

Are you stopping to actually FEEL the gratitude?  It's the feeling that is the real power.  If you are feeling rushed and busy and making your gratitude list while you feel this way it is training the brain to look for uplifting and positive things.  HOWEVER it just isn't nearly as powerful of a force to transform you and your world, as taking the time to really FEEL the gratitude in your body, in your heart and in your soul.  :o)

Take the time, and really feel grateful for something today!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Shadow my Dog

Good Morning Shadow.  The birds outside are still singing so beautifully.  They are so alive.  I know you are still alive too.  Only now you are free of the confines of your body.  Free to fly like the birds.  When I feel the wind in my hair I'll think of you.  When the sun warms my face I'll think of you.  You are so alive and still here.  I feel you.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How to Retrain Your Brain

Did you know that when you are feeling joyful and positive you are smarter?  Your brain always works better when you are feeling uplifted.  So today, look for three NEW things to be grateful for that you haven't previously thought to be grateful for.  Then actually close your eyes, FEEL the gratitude in your body and expand it out as much as you can.  Open your heart and feel the love and gratitude.  Tomorrow, repeat.  Day after tomorrow, repeat.  This trains your mind to look for positive and uplifting things in the world around you!  Smart move!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Waking up again to the Miracles of Life

Back to blogging!  Yay for that.  Sometimes in life we are throw off track by huge life events and I've had more than my share of them lately.  After a lucious and fun trip to B.C. I'm back on track and feeling really alive again.  Bye bye to blah and hello glorious life!  About a week ago I had the sprinkler on in the yard to water some new grass seed I had put down, and a hummingbird was bathing in the water drops that were falling!  He was also enjoying rubbing up against the leaves on the pole beans to catch the water caught in the wrinkles of the leaves.  It was so obvious he was enjoying himself and that he was deliberately taking advantage of my sprinkler.  Time to awaken again to the miracles of life!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

There is no need to forgive.

Many teachers and books say that there is no need to forgive.  That is because everything is in Divine order all the time and there is nothing bad and nothing good.  It all just IS.  If you are coming from that viewpoint, then there will be nothing to forgive. 
However, anytime our perceptions deviate from that ultimate reality, there is something to let go of, or something to forgive, if we choose to elevate our consciousness.
Some people see forgiveness as "letting the other person off the hook for doing something wrong".  If you see forgiveness in that sense, then perhaps you could look at the fact that there is nothing to forgive.
However, the way I use the word "forgiveness" is about letting go of a judgement about someone or something else.  So in that sense forgiveness is letting go of my opinion and seeing everything as One and in Divine order.
How do you see things?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is a Blessing?

Has anyone smiled at you today?  Has anyone hugged you today?  Any thought, word, feeling or action directed towards you with an open heart is a blessing.  Have you recognized your blessings today?  Are you grateful for every blessing that comes your way?  These are questions I try to ask myself daily.  I find it so easy to forget to count my blessings.  May I remember to count them today!
Many Blessings to You Today!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Problems are Golden Opportunities

Are you willing to look at that?  Yikes, problems as opportunities?  How could that possibly be? 
In the world of "consciousness raising", problems can take us up a notch to another level of consciousness, depending how we choose to perceive the problem.  As we face the problem, the best answer is always in love, and it will always bring us to a higher level of consciousness, but only if we choose that direction.
When my life is smooth and relatively easy, I seem to just coast along.  When a problem arises, or anything at all comes into my life that doesn't feel good, or challenges me, I now have some choices to make.  I could push against, fight against and struggle with the issue.  Or I could tolerate, forgive, and even possibly accept the issue.  If I choose to struggle and fight against, I won't raise in consciousness, or frequency, and as well the problem will likely persist.  However if I choose the route where I choose love and acceptance, and of course, maintaining my state of power, then I will raise my frequency and after all, it's why I came here.  This position of acceptance gives me the greatest leverage with which to rise above and solve the problem.  By not reacting, I keep my power and my ability to co-create my life much more easily.
So problems aren't welcome by many of us, if anyone at all.  But if you are on the path of spiritual growth, recognize them as significant opportunities for growth. 
Are you reactive or proactive today?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Stepping into Your Personal Power

Stepping into your power is about being okay with what is.  When we are in resistance to what is, we lose our power.  That is another good reason to be forgiving and accepting!  Every time we are pushing against something, we lose our power.  True power is not pushy or forceful.  True power is strong, calm and loving.  Ever notice that when you are totally calm and take a stand on something, it works out well?  And that when you are feeling upset and feel like you are "losing it" things just don't work out as well?  It's like the kids that listen to their mother when she is calm, solid and in a state of inner power.  Compare that to a day when the mother is stressed, yelling and nobody listens!
Being in your power does not mean you agree with what is going on, if you don't like it.  It also does not mean that you condone it.  It just means that regardless of what is going on around you, you are okay within yourself.  You are calm, grounded and feeling okay inside of yourself.  This is staying in your power.  This is why we are advised by many sages not to judge others.  As soon as we judge others, or ourselves, our power level starts to decrease.  Force is not power.  Force comes from fear, and this is the way wars operate.  True power comes from love.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Moving On

Moving on is sometimes the most difficult thing to do.  It seems at first that we can barely tolerate a situation or a change in our life.  Then comes some forgiveness.  Then acceptance and hopefully, eventually, unconditional love.  If I don't follow that path then I'm not doing what I came here to do.  How many times do I want to repeat a course, until I get it right?  Letting go, moving on and accepting are really just "lifting off" of the whole thing, just lightly and easily, like a helicopter goes up.  Only with this surrender can we truly heal, love, and move on.
It seems that every time something happens that is painful or that I resist, any parts of that situation that I don't fully "lift off" of and move on from, will just repeat themselves.  Repeat until I get it.  So, finally, I've decided to do my best and get it right.  Let it all go and move on.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving yourself is, in many cases, the hardest thing to do.  And, it is also the most important thing to do.  When we are hard on ourselves we are our own worst enemy.  Why then, should I forgive myself?  What reason is there to give me motivation to forgive myself, time after time?
The frequency one holds is, again, their vote in the collective consciousness.  Do you have little ones growing up?  Do you love the rain forest?  Are you an animal activist?  Are you a grandparent?  Whatever reason you have for wanting a peaceful and loving planet to live on, is your motivation for forgiving yourself.  Do it for the lovely Earth.  Do it for the grandkids.  Do it for the rain forest and the animals.  Do it for the unemployed and needy.  Do it to help stop wars.  Whatever your passion and love, do it for that.  Because only, only, only, in YOU carrying a high loving frequency, can you really change things for the better.  Be the change you wish to see in the world.  That connects up with "love your neighbour as yourself".  This can also read "love yourself as you love your neighbour".

Monday, April 2, 2012

Put your Hand on your Heart

Want to share your love?  Then really feel it in your body.  Put your hand on your heart.  Uncross your arms and legs.  Breathe in and out through your heart.  After a few good deep focused breaths into and out from your heart, start thinking about or visualizing something you really love.  This could be your children as babies, pets, a Divine mission, etc.  Keep breathing in and out through your heart.  Feel the love and the expansion of gratitude.  Feel as grateful as you can (i.e. the feeling in your body) for absolutely everything and anything you can think of.  As you stay with this feeling you will notice it starts to expand and feel more intense.  This can actually bring you into a state of bliss, or ecstasy.  Feeling this state of gratitude, love and bliss is now what you are sharing with the collective consciousness.  It's your vote for how you want the world to be.  AND, it is one of the very best things you can do to heal your own life and your body.

Friday, March 30, 2012

A Higher Reason for Feeling Love

There is a higher reason for feeling love and joy. It's why you came here. You came here to feel in your body, the love and joy of Divinity. Divinity flows through you and the more love and joy you feel, the more open you are the the creative and dynamic flow of the Creator.  The side effect of this is that you emanate more love and healing from yourself to the people, animals and world that you love.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Pullling out of Grief

How can you pull yourself back up when you are grieving? This past week I have been absent from blogging due to the very sudden and traumatic loss of one of our dogs. It felt to me like the world had collapsed. The grief came in suddenly like a cement truck dumping it's load on top of my head. I was angry and felt extreme despair.
So I asked myself, what would I suggest to someone else who wanted to process their grief? The thoughts that came through were exactly what I had to do myself and it was very difficult to step up to the plate and practice what I preach. First of all, I had to feel all the emotions in my body as feelings on a physical level. It was extremely painful and so very difficult to do. Then the story would start. And I had to convince myself to drop the story. The ability to focus directly on the feelings in my body and drop the story came and went, came and went, came and went. And as the process continued it started to get a bit easier to feel the feelings and drop the story. At times I did not even want to drop the story. But it's coming along, slowly but surely.
Interested in more about this technique? Eckhart Tolle's CD set "Living the Liberated Life and Dealing with the Pain Body" is an excellent choice for listening and learning.
Till next time, many blessings, Maureen

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Do you Really Want to Feel Better?

Well now maybe you don't care about feeling better for yourself. But think about it this way. You feeling better affects everything else. What is it that you care about the most? What do you care about passionately? Do you have a "cause"? The best thing you can do for your "cause" is to emanate love and joy. Not to say we don't get feelings we don't like. Just to say that when we do it's important to process them and let them go. In other words, to feel more neutral about a situation or a person rather than being against it. As soon as we are against anything we are in a relationship with it. And that will definitely keep the situation or person present in our life. 

Being neutral about something actually allows it to fall away from us. You've heard "what you resist, persists". It's true. What you obsess about and feel about, your bring about.
Some years ago I would psychically pick up the anguish of animals. Like really pick it up big time. I didn't feel the physical pain, but I felt the anguish like there's no tomorrow. I remember hearing something on the radio, while I was driving, that made me feel like banging my head against a wall. The story of animal abuse on the radio caused me to feel the anguish so intensely I was almost incapacitated. I would avoid stories and situations about animals specifically because of this. I would ask myself " how can I feel good when this terrible stuff is happening to beings that I love?"

One day I figured out that me, feeling the anguish, was like jumping into quicksand with someone being swallowed up by it. How can I help someone else when I'm in the quicksand with them? That is resonance and entrainment. Resonance is what allows the transfer of energy to take place. Entrainment is when two frequencies come together to become similar in frequency. Compassion, love and joy are high frequencies. Grief, anger, anguish and fear are low frequencies. When you maintain a high frequency you give the other person (or animal) something to entrain to. i.e. a higher frequency. And when you get it, that the frequency you carry manifests your reality, it becomes really important to hold your high frequency especially so that others can entrain to it. You can't help someone by jumping into the quicksand with them. 

When I finally understood this concept I was able to block out the anguish of the animals that I'd been picking up, and stay in a higher frequency. It wasn't joy, but it was definitely compassion. This was the best thing I could do for the animals. As well, holding a high frequency of peace and love in general, would affect the city I lived in, and fewer animals would be abused because there would be more peace and harmony in general. Love on, people, love on.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How does Anger Hurt Me?

Okay, so you aren't yet convinced that staying angry at your neighbour actually hurts you? Studies have shown that when you are angry your immune system shuts down. In other words, you open yourself up to getting sick. As well, your DNA coils up tighter. That makes it difficult for the RNA to get in to make "parts" to repair your body.
Well, you may say, it's perfectly human to get angry. And you are right. But get over it. The sooner you can digest and process your negative emotions, the sooner you can get on with feeling good. After all, that is what you want to experience, isn't it? Or are you still following along with me, yet to be convinced that feeling good is really more fun?
How do I process and digest my emotions then? First of all, you need to feel them. As in feeling in the body. This is definitely not about going on and on in your head about the story. Drop the story. It's useless, and going over the story time and time again will perpetuate your negative emotion. Instead, just feel it in your body. Breathe. Meditate. It will pass. But get out of the story.
How do I get myself out of the story? You just stop. That is a conscious choice. Just stop the story. And why would I do that, you say? Because it makes me healthier, it makes me feel better, and it's the best dog gone thing I can do for myself and the planet.

Do you really want to feel good?

People are always saying they want to feel better. But is that always true? Check deep inside of yourself. Do you really want to forgive your friend for stealing your lover, or your crazy neighbour for partying till the wee hours of the morning? Unless you can say yes, then perhaps you don't really want to feel peace. Do you think it's easier to stay angry at someone who hurt you? After all, you may not think they deserve to be forgiven. It might even feel good to stay angry.
The problem with staying angry is that you are really hurting yourself. As well, you are giving your power away to the other person. And finally, you are letting them decide how you feel.
Ask yourself if you really want to allow the other person's actions to be the deciding factor on whether or not you have a lovely day, or a lousy day. Only when you can truly say yes to wanting to feel good, can you start to change how you feel.
This can be said for all feelings that don't feel very good. Are you still grieving over a loss? Does it feel good to feel bad about that loss? Will the loss continue to decide how you feel today or any other day? Or do you choose now to set yourself free?
Carlos Castaneda said it best when he said: "We can make our self miserable, or we can make our self strong. The amount of work is the same."
Are you ready and willing now to change how you feel and let go of your story? That is when the fun really begins!

How You Feel Affects the World

Okay, first things first. Understand that how you feel affects the world around you, both in a positive and in a negative way. "Smile and the whole world smiles with you." This is much more than just a cute old saying. It's actually true. Search and read about the "Maharishi Effect". When you have people in a city, meditating peace, it drops the crime statistics in that city. When the group meditation for peace stops, the crime statistics go right back up to where they were before. This study has been done several times and in different cities and the results are always the same. Deepak Chopra talks about the blood serotonin levels of the people that are near a large group of people meditating. The bloods levels change even in the people who did not participate in the meditation. Mother Teresa said it best when she said "God doesn't care how much you do. God cares how much love you do it with." She really understood this concept. If we are scurrying around, cranky, doing good works for others, it does not have as beneficial of an effect as if we did it with joy. It just doesn't. So for a start, really understand that you are always responsible for how you feel because it affects everyone around you, and in a much bigger way that you ever imagined! What's wonderful about this is that we can choose how we feel! Want to buy into that concept? Stay tuned. :o)

Welcome to my blog.

Welcome to my blog. When I initially thought about blogging I really didn't have the commitment or time to write regularly. Finally though, the time has come. My postings will generally be about life, consciousness and love. The views presented in my blog are my own.

At this time on earth I believe we are in a very important time when change can happen very quickly. How you feel each moment of each day, is your vote in the collective consciousness of the human race and the planet. If you are hoping to have a peaceful and harmonious place to live here on earth then it is important to feel peaceful and harmonious. If you choose to be angry at the people who are creating war, you are only adding to the low frequencies on the planet. Choose to live in a state of love and joy, despite anything showing up in your life that would normally cause you to feel a lower frequency, such as anger, grief or despair. We are responsible for the energy we bring with us into a room, and the energy we carry around with us all day. What kind of contribution will you make to the collective consciousness? Why did you come back here?

It is such a simple recipe for harmony, but at times difficult to actually do. Join me on a journey of discovery to create a lighter life for yourself, and for the greater whole.